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Part 1- Chapter 3

Writer's picture: Kaila SchustermanKaila Schusterman

Part One - The Reveal

Chapter 3 

A tale explained is a 

heart healed, 

pinned wings released

“Elements,” said Anna, “Make up the world and everything in it.” she leaned forward and knit her wrinkled hands together. “Look around and tell me what you see.”

Tim did as asked, while Maia remained looking stubbornly ahead. As he looked around, he tried not to let his eyes linger on his mother's dead, covered form. 

“I see...walls, and dirt, you and Maia.” 

Maia rolled her eyes and sighed.

“She wants you to say Earth, Air, and Water. Earth, because these chairs, tables, and walls are made out of wood which comes from the Earth. Water, because Air carries particles of liquid. And Air because Air is everywhere. Fire is absent, although a strong enough friction can cause a fire.”

Anna nodded, impressed. “And say you step outside, what would you see then?”

“Earth, Air, and Water.” said Tim, catching on. “Earth for the ground, Water, because of the stream and the liquid the roots and stems hold, and Air because Air is everywhere.” 

“Correct. But Elements are more than just that. Elements are the building blocks of life.” Anna paused, then stood up and began to pace. “If you control an Element, you can create things out of it. You can control minds. Not everyone is able to master an Element. Long ago, when the first two people discovered they can control the elements, they passed that ability on to their children, who did to theirs. But through the years, this power has skipped whole generations, or just specific people. But mastering an element is only partially genetic. It is mainly mental. You need to awake a certain part of your brain. So, just because a parent, or both parents were able to control and Element or Elements, does not mean their children will be able to.”

“What determines if you can control an Element?”

“It is different with everyone, But you need to focus. You need to concentrate completely on the Element you are trying to awake. You can control 1-4 elements. Any variety is possible. I will not be helping you awake an Element, or even see if you have the capability. I will be bringing you to your aunt Darling Hart and she will-”

“Her name is Darling Hart!?” laughed Tim

“Yes. Her name is Darling Hart, or as is said in society, Mrs. Caleb W. Hart.” she said stiffly. “Don't let her name fool you.  That woman is not one you want to cross.”

“So there is a chance we won’t be able to control any Elements?”

“Yes. But before your father left, and your mother died, we discussed you two. They say each of you has a good head on your shoulders. Your Mother controlled Water, and was one of the best Masters of Water in decades. Your father controls Earth, Air, and Water, although Earth is his primary Element. Now listen closely. This is important. As I said, two men discovered they can harness the power of the Elements. One of them was called Empedocles. He was the first one to propose the idea that everything in existence is made up of some combination of the Four Elements. But, as with most things, there is evil and good. Another man, Anstice  listened to what Empedocles taught, and he saw how he controlled the Elements. Empedocles didn't go around showing off what he could do. In fact, no one knew he could control the Elements except for Anstice. Anstice was a smart man and he knew something was going on. He snuck into Empedocles home and saw him control Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. He awakened this part of his brain and learnt how to control the Elements. He was able to do this because the teachings of Empedocles were so ingrained in his mind.  Empedocles found out. And since then, there have been two groups of people. Us, the Elemental Hands, and them,  Tesera, which means four in greek. We don't fight them for power. We fight them because they do wrong, and use their powers for bad, despicable acts. For centuries the Tesera have been using their powers to mind control the government leaders and create terrifying beasts. When wars are fought it's only partially because of the outer reason. This war we just fought from England was indeed, because we wanted independence. But it was also because the Tesera, who had been based in Great Britain for a while, grew steadily stronger, and we needed to take them down. And so we did. This is how it's been going on for ages. It’s a see-saw. Sometimes we hold the most power, and sometimes them.Those stories you hear of faeries and sea serpents? They are real. They are creations of The Elemental Hands, the Tesera, and others who can control Elements, but don't belong to any group. ”

“What Element or Elements do you control, Anna?” asked Tim.

“The correct language would be ‘what Element or Elements are you a Master of, Anna.’ You see, if you control Water, you are called a Master of Water. Fire, a Master of Fire, and so on and so forth.  If you control many you would be called, for instance a Master of Fire and Air. I am-”

“She’s a Master of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Obviously.” said Maia. 

“And why is it obvious, child?” 

“For one, you performed that ceremony on my Mother. If you couldn't control all Four Elements, you wouldn't have been able to muster up even that little amount on your fingers. Because then, if everyone who controlled an element could create a minimal amount of the others, they could expound upon it, and everyone who could control one, would end up controlling all. Also, throughout my years knowing you as the crazy woman, I have four distinct and odd memories. Under your nails there is always dirt. You don't strike me as a dirty woman, so it must be from constant planting. You hang out by a well. What more of a giveaway for Water can there be. I remember, long ago all the farmers who live in this area decided to have a summer party. You looked at the candles lovingly, and I watched you stroke a flame without getting burnt, Finally, I see you lift your head when it’s windy, and you seem to speak to it, as if it will answer back.” Maia paused. “And I’d wager you know my parents. You spoke to my mother as if she were a daughter, not a random dying woman who happens to share an unearthly talent. You probably know my father too, as you have lived here in the same place for years. You probably kept your connection a secret, lest the group of people who use Elemental powers for bad discover you.” For as long as Maia could remember, Anna lived by the well. She never saw her parents exchange so much as a look with her.

Anna opened her light blue eyes wide, “There is more to you Ms. Stevens, then strikes the eye.”

Maia’s features hardened. “And there's more to your story than your telling us, Anna Buford. Or ‘as is said in society’ Mrs. Alexander F. Buford.”

A note to note:

Empedocles was a real man, and he was the first person to say that everything in the world is made up of some mixture of the elements. Modern science has disproven this theory. But, TEH is centered on the Elements, and so it will remain. Anstice is a made up man, a figment of my imagination. Thank you Bella Winer for the edits.

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2020 Kaila Schusterman. The Elemental Hands. None of the text may be copied without the author's explicit permission. 

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